Guided Imagery

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Guided Imagery Therapy Services

Guided Imagery is technique nurses and therapists use in the medical field to distract the mind from pain and anxiety and create a sense of safety and peace. Guided imagery uses voice to create images in the mind to distract the brain from pain or anxiety. When combined with hypnotherapy, this is a powerful modality to reframe past traumatic experiences, create peace in the present moment and visualize the future, creating lasting permanent change.

The human brain is divided into the conscious mind, the subconscious, and the sub-subconscious mind. The conscious mind is 5% of our brain and controls logical thinking, short-term memory, willpower, and critical thinking. Your subconscious and sub-subconscious or (unconscious) mind is the other 95% and controls everything else. The subconscious controls beliefs, emotions, reactions, values, fears, intuition, self-image, imagination, long-term memory, protective reactions such as fight/flight/freeze, and all of the body’s automatic functions.

stress and anxiety, Brigham City

More Information About Guided Imagery

The subconscious is identical to a computer and like a computer requires programmers. From the time our brain is developed enough to hear and sense emotion (yes, about 3 months conception) until 7-9 years of age, in normal brain development the child is living in a very hypnotic state, and is being programmed with everything the child experiences being accepted as truth. 

This is how our core beliefs are developed. There is no judgment in the subconscious, and once that belief is in place the protective systems of the mind will fight to justify and defend why we act the way we do.

Contact Us To Start Your Journey

Here at Beecon Recovery, we strive to give our clients the best possible treatment outcomes. Contact us to learn more about our guided imagery services.  

Can Guided Imagery Help You?

So what is guided imagery and hypnosis anyway? They both are very similar with hypnosis being a deeper state of altered awareness than guided imagery. Think of meditation. When we meditate we create an altered state of awareness and become more mindful of our feelings and thoughts. 

Guided imagery can be compared to guided meditation, and hypnotherapy uses additional skilled techniques to go deeper into the sub-sub-conscious mind where thoughts and beliefs can be altered and even greater self-awareness occurs. With guided imagery and hypnotherapy, I am able to bypass the critical thinking mind, identify, challenge, and replace the negative core beliefs with truth and positive strength-building self-talk. Then we re-program the subconscious mind with a new story based on forgiveness, self-compassion, and truth.

When guided imagery/hypnotherapy, EEG-biofeedback, ketamine, psychological therapy, and medical specialists are combined we maximize the individual’s potential for change, and lifetime success occurs.

Brigham City UT Beecon Recovery Ketamine Treatment Neurofeedback Guided Imagery
Beecon Recovery