Live Blood Cell Analysis

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Live Blood Cell Analysis in Utah

Live blood cell analysis is used today as part of a modern holistic approach to health, yet it has its roots in the same ‘soil’ as modern medicine because it utilizes a piece of equipment that revolutionized our understanding of disease – the microscope. It evolved at the same time as modern scientists were studying the importance of Germs.

Live Blood Cell Analysis Beecon Recovery Brigham City Utah

How Does Live Blood Cell Analysis Work?

A small sample of blood is observed under a microscope where the state of the patient’s internal terrain is evaluated. Every person has an internal terrain. The blood’s plasma is created by the water that is absorbed from the digestive tract and it carries salts, hormones, enzymes, proteins, antibodies, and clotting factors. The plasma diffuses out of the blood and into the interstitial fluids to deliver nutrients. 

The body’s cells will excrete their wastes into the interstitial fluids which will then diffuse back into the blood plasma to be filtered and excreted out of the body. These substances moving in and out of our blood, and in and out of every organ in our body, create and sustain our internal terrain. While the patient’s blood is on the microscope the technician will be able to see what is present or deficient in one’s internal terrain and be able to make observations to determine imbalance and recommendations to best help to cure the imbalance.

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With addiction, the healthier your physical body is, the healthier your mind can be, and the easier it is to stay sober and feel fulfilled without substances. If your body isn’t craving proper nutrients and is functioning how it should, then it also won’t crave external substances to fill that void. This will help the clients not only stay sober but be healthier overall.

More Information About LBCA

Live Blood Cell Analysis is essentially a different way to assess one’s health and see what changes could be made to improve your health before defaulting to the intervention of medications. It also is a way to try and find the root cause of the symptoms someone is experiencing. For example, LBCA would allow us to see if someone is Anemic (low iron) when looking at the state of their red and white blood cells. 

We can also tell where in the body the cell became anemic. So instead of just prescribing an iron supplement, we can help implement changes to the diet like adding foods rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and vitamin B12. Like seafood, yams, leafy green vegetables, oranges, and lemons. That would improve spleen and liver function and help with iron absorption in the digestive system to overall help cure the anemia without implementing medications.

Live Blood Cell Analysis Beecon Recovery Brigham City Utah
Beecon Recovery